Wednesday 18 November 2009

The School live in Nottingham

Quite a few people now have said how great The School were in ending the all-dayer on Sunday. Luckily, you can now download their set from here.

Thanks, whoever you are, for recording this. It's ace, and a lovely momento.


  1. That's Andrew/anorakhighstreet. I have now figured out what the new song of theirs is with the AWESOME drums thanks to this. Woo ha.

  2. ooo which one?! i can tell rich ehehe

  3. 'Can't Understand' - it's just so groovy! The piano, brass, and 'ba ba ba' action adds to its overall drum and song awesomeness. Can't wait to hear that one recorded!

  4. yey! that's going to be our Single Proper.

    we're releasing Is he really coming home? but not properly just to try getting some coverage for the album, then Can't Understand will be the proper dancing single. really glad you like it!! it's a lot better recorded! ehehe x

  5. Excellent news. That song is single GOLD!
