Tuesday 6 April 2010

The tasks of the youth leagues

Whilst you work out which bollock you want chopping off on 6 May...

I’ve never had the patience to play any of the myriad of fantasy football games there are these days, but the thought of TOTAL POWER which comes with picking and choosing players puts me in a glee sweat. Which is probably why sometimes actually picking bands, asking them if they’d be good enough to play, and booking the venue, is often better, for me, than the actual night of the gig.

However, I think the next gig I’m putting on is the very pinnacle of this. And this is because I simply couldn’t wait until Indietracks to see them all play again.

"We of the older generation may not live to see the decisive battles of this coming revolution." - VI Lenin

It’s ages away yet, but 19 June will see blog regulars Allo Darlin, Standard Fare, Pocketbooks and Mascot Fight play at The Chameleon in Nottingham. And in a strange twist of fate, Sean and Tom from Mascot Fight will be in the unusual position of being the most macho singers on a bill. To have these four bands in the same room on the same night is something of a personal miracle, and makes just about everything worthwhile.

(Rumours of me stalking these four bands are wholly untrue.)

Also coming up in July are The Cannanes, who are playing with Sarandon and Alberto Veto and – hopefully – Horowitz. Horowitz only get back from the US two days earlier, so they might be a bit tired and emotional.

Such was the love and positivity that came out of last year’s Nottingham all-dayer, that we’ve decided to do it all again – only a couple of months earlier. Bunkers Hill in Nottingham is booked for 25 September (that’s my Mum’s birthday, my Mum fans), and already confirmed are Horowitz, Red Shoe Diaries, The Sunny Street and The Pete Green Corporate Juggernaut. We’re hoping to add some exotic overseas visitors soon, too.

And so to work…

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