Tuesday 9 April 2013

September Girls - Talking (Art For Blind)

Ahead of their much anticipated debut album this summer, September
Girls are back with a new single that had gradually wormed its way into mind over the last few days.

'Talking' is short, swirling and sinister - the sound of a band approaching the top of their game. Whilst you sit there bored stupid at work, it's all too easy to lose yourself in the ghostly keyboards or a bassline that sounds like it's going to kiss you on the nose before kicking seven shades out of you. The vocals sound like early Madonna had she discovered the Sisters of Mercy instead of meeting Jellybean, and whilst the drums fair crackle in the background. It's pretty thrilling stuff.

B-side 'Some for Me' could be The Shop Assistants or The Bangles, and is a wonderful, hazy mixture of both to produce a nugget of pop that shows September Girls are confident enough to put some of their best songs on b-sides.

You can see September Girls all over the shop, but also at the Nottingham Pop All-dayer in September.

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