Monday, 27 June 2011

Lee majors

There was a time about ten or eleven or twelve (who's counting?) years ago when I'd find it hard to go a day without listening to Spearmint's 'A Week Away' album. That record has taken on almost legendary status in indiepop circles, and with some justification, really. Who didn't jump around the room before heading out to town to 'We're Going Out'? You? Really? Loser.

Shirley Lee, the singer off of Spearmint has tottered around since then, often with the band, putting out deightfully understated masterpieces that have failed to sell more than, ooh, 47 copies each. Some people are idiots. Now, he's released a an album called 'Winter, Autumn, Summer, Spring' on Missing Page Records, and I'd wager my last tenner that it's ace, if Maidenhead is anything to go by.

Off the same album, and as a tribute to some old DJ or other, is 'An Old Cricketer (For John Peel)', which is similarly ace.

And, for old time's sake, one of the finest singles ever released - live, from ages ago now...

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