Sunday 3 June 2012

Cheshire life

Yesterday, for a few hours, we were at the excellent Going up the Country all-dayer in Congleton, Cheshire. Thankfully, we didn't run into any millionaire Premier League footballers, but we did bump into some of our best friends, at a gig, in a pub car park.

The organisers had managed to persuade Robinsons to come up with a one-off bitter called 'Pristine Christine' for the day, which was a nice twist, and after five or six pints of that just about anything seemed possible.

There was much DRAMA when three quarters of The Fireworks were still stuck in Birmingham half an hour before they were supposed to go on. And no-one wants to be stuck in Birmingham when there's an ace indiepop show in full swing, do they?

But when Emma, Matthew and Isabel finally joined Carys (who, as a native north-wester was altogether more clued-up as to how long it takes to get up to Cheshire), The Fireworks went straight on stage and blew us all away. I've not seen the band since Indietracks last year, when Emma and Isabel weren't even in the band, and they were incredibly nervous. This time around they were still as charmingly ramshackle, but in a more confident way. They have what I believe the young call "attitude", and that's really quite exciting.

Anyway, I hope Going up the Country happens again next year, because the venue (a pub car park - what's not to like?), the atmosphere and the beer was ace. To celebrate that thought, here's The Fireworks playing 'Higher & Higher'.

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