Tuesday, 28 July 2009

You'll never see that summertime again

I left the house at 6am this morning for work, and there was a real autmunal chill in the air. It was almost as if the end of Indietracks had signalled the end of summer, and now we're ready for the long slog of the British winter.

And then Friends' 'You'll Never See That Summertime Again' came on my mp3 player.

'Fate' is bullshit, but that's about as close as I've come to believing in it.

There should be state-sponsored counselling for these kinds of withdrawal symptoms. Anyone want to form a self-help co-operative?

1 comment:

String Bean Jen said...

Yes. I do. And the singer of that song does: "I think I'll suggest that next year Indietracks provide post-festival counselling for everyone trying to recover, possibly in a clinic in rural Derbyshire. Possibly with a few stages and a few bands for company."