Thursday, 29 April 2010

The Peterborough All-Saints Wide Game Team (Group B)

Ian Evans from Horowitz was playing a gig in Leeds last weekend with Tada Tata, and he came across The Peterboroughs on the same bill. Turns out The Peterboroughs are half of the excellent Seven Inches, or something.

Naturally, like all young, happening pop bands, they have a myspace page, which only has one song on it at the moment; the slightly hypnotic nursery rhyme, 'Shine My Skull', which features a round, no less! And so my mind wanders back to terrible secondary school music lessons where an excitable teacher would try and make us sing a round, WITH HILARIOUS CONSEQUENCES.

Anyway, The Peterboroughs, or The Posh as all the cool kids are calling them, have agreed to play our all-dayer in September, so you'll be able to come along and see them then, won't you?

Before you go and have your tea, MJ Hibbett and his Validators have joined the bandcamp revolution and have made their ace album 'Regardez, Ecoutez et Repetez' available for download. And look! Here's the informercial.

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