Friday, 14 May 2010

Math and Physics Club - Jimmy Had a Poloroid (Matinee Records)

Rejoice, rejoice, for the only thing that could save this week - a week where we've seen an old Etonian and his fag take power of people's lives in the UK (they call it the "new politics", apparently. Sounds like a throwback to the mid-19th century to me) - is a new Math and Physics Club single. And, by crikey, they've delivered.

'Jimmy Had a Poloroid' is a gentle dancefloor-filler; the sort of song that will make you throw your hands in the air like you just don't care and waggle your legs around like a duck with Alzheimer's. It's a joyful experience, make no mistake, and although it strays a little form MAPC of old, it pays homage to the sounds of Matinee past. Think Liberty Ship, or the other Elston brother "vehicle", Slipslide. With a bit of latter-day Camera Obscura or Allo Darlin' thrown in. It's a whole mess of fun.

On t'other side is the deeply unseasoanable 'The Sound of Snow', which reminds of me of the slowies from The Smiths' 'Hatful of Hollow'. So you can get your kicks from swooning along to that once you've down from the pop thrill on the A side.

If this is a taster of what's on the forthcoming MAPC album, 'I Shouldn't Look as I Do' then this year's pantheon of amazing pop albums will have another entry.

You can buy 'Jimmy Had a Poloroid from the ever-reliable Matinee website.

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