Sunday, 1 July 2012

How swoon is now?

After surviving a week away in Torquay with five kids, it's kind of reassuring that out there in the world there are people making vital, confident new pop music.

Not that there's anything wrong with reliving your youth and going to see The Stone Roses trudge through songs that are fast approaching 25 years old (it's called "having fun" after all), but I'd rather elevate bands like Young Romance.

Young Romance play heartbreaking pop music, as you've probably just heard. They're playing Indietracks this weekend - a fact that'd passed me by until a friend equally as in love with them told me last night. I've half a mind to go out and start camping at the front of their stage this evening.

The band have a single available to download from the often-excellent Eardrums Pop label. It's three tracks are just as joyous as that song up there. I simply can't ait to see them at the weekend.

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